Pupil premium allocation
Pupil Premium
Pupil premium reports are the statutory documents used for demonstrating how much pupil premium will be received, how it will be spent and most importantly, the impact of the spending.
The report is intended to be an academic summary document so that all staff, parents, governors and external organisations can understand how the money has been spent and whether it was spent on the correct resources to enable the eligible pupils to make enough progress to close the gaps between themselves and non-disadvantaged pupils.
The report and impact statement must be made available on the school’s website. It is intended as a way of summarising the school’s ongoing pupil premium action plan.
Annual pupil premium report and impact statement
In September 2012, the DfE made funding available to allow disadvantaged pupils to make accelerated progress compared to their peers.
The money from the pupil premium allocation to schools should be used to fund more effective teaching for pupils from poor backgrounds, helping them to do better, and other initiatives, such as enrichment programmes, extension classes and to pay staff overtime.
The pupil premium grant is to be used for:
- Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap between them and their peers.
- Supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
Pupil Premium Statement 2021-22
Pupil Premium Statement 2020-21
Pupil Premium Statement 2019-20
Pupil Premium Statement 2018-19