
INTENT - At Cullercoats Primary School we have a clear and simple Computing vision: the children should be online-safe, online-competent and online-confident. We recognise that Computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures.  

We provide all of our children with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on technology and computing. As computing technology underpins today’s modern lifestyle, we believe that it is essential that all of our children gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world.

IMPLEMENTATION - Our children have many opportunities to use technology. While all the basics IT skills are covered, for example making a simple Word document or using Paint programs, the children’s experience soon develops and so at Cullercoats Primary school children are able to code, create animation and communicate and collaborate using the Google suite. We believe we give our children all the experiences they need to prepare them for 21st century lifestyles.

The use of Computing also enhances and extends our children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst contributing to motivation and the development of social skills. We aim to utilise the most up to date resources and emerging technologies.

At Cullercoats Primary School we encourage our children to enjoy and value the Computing Curriculum we deliver. Our children develop their skills and knowledge progressively year on year. In  Nursery, our children can be observed using iPads and engaging with touchscreens for word, phonics and simple maths games and by Year 6, coding and programming for LEGO ROBOTICS competitions (National Award winners for Core Values  in Bristol Feb 2020).

We value the use of our portable technology around school; at present, we have a portable class set of iPads and a class set of Netbooks (small laptops) which all classes have access to in order to enhance their learning where appropriate. We also have a set of Chrome books, Lego EV3 robots,  Code-a-Pillars and micro:bits; all of which are used to support the delivery of our computing curriculum and provide the children with first- hand experiences. Additionally, we have a bank of iPads used to support children with additional needs.

Each classroom has a networked PC which is linked to a Promethean access panel that is used to support learning. Every device in school is linked to the school’s broadband connection.

Each child can access the Internet and use the World Wide Web in a safe and respectful way.  They understand the necessary precautions to take, to stay safe and know where to seek help. No child will feel threatened or unsafe whilst online at school or at home. Children also utilise the Web efficiently to enhance their learning of all subjects. Cullercoats Primary School also provides a rich bank of curriculum-based resources for children and parents to access at home.

 We endeavour to make use of links with mathematics, science, and design and technology.


Members of the school community contribute to the school’s online presence. Our school website and Twitter accounts continually showcase the excellent work being carried out by our children.

We have a very strong working relationship with the computing school improvement advisor and work closely with them to enhance our delivery of our Computing curriculum.

IMPACT - The impact of our Computing Curriculum can be seen on the children’s individual computer accounts and can also be measured by speaking to the children themselves. We also look for evidence through reviewing children’s knowledge and skills digitally through tools like Google Drive and Seesaw and observing learning regularly
The implementation of the computing curriculum enables our children to use computers and other devices with confidence. It  ensures that when children leave Cullercoats Primary School, they are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in Computing to different challenges going forward.We are always striving to enrich our curriculum offerings in Computing; one of the ways we have achieved this is through our hugely successful Lego Robotics programme, which has led to us national finals on numerous occasions and even an international final; we are the only North East primary school to ever reach this stage. 

We measure the impact and progress of our Computing curriculum through continual summative assessment and discussions with children about their learning (pupil voice).

Next Step

At present, we are in discussions with other subject leaders to further develop our assessment of Computing using Target Tracker.