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PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) is about promoting children’s personal and social development, including health and well being.

Subject Lead - Miss Kayleigh Elliott

Whole School Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead - Mr Aled Jones

Senior Mental Health Lead - Mr Aled Jones


We aim to develop in our children, the self awareness, positive self esteem and confidence to:

  • Stay as healthy as possible by adopting healthy lifestyles
  • Keep themselves and others safe
  • Have worthwhile and fulfilling friendships
  • Respect and tolerate the difference between people in a local, national and global context.
  • Develop responsibility and independence
  • Respect and care for the environment in which they live
  • Make the most of their own and others abilities

PSHE and citizenship is taught through time-tabled lessons in Key Stages One and Two and throughout both key stages in activities such as circle time where children explore their feelings and develop their confidence and self esteem.

There is a School Council consisting of 2 members from each class. Children nominate and vote for their class councillors in an election process. The School Council meets once per half term to discuss issues raised by children, staff, parents and our local neighbours. Councillors report back to their class following these meetings and through their involvement with the School Council children are able to learn about the democratic process.

Click here to see our PSHE Overview from Year 1 to Year 6.