Children are encouraged to familiarise themselves with our local environment, seasonal changes and experiences of journeys - local, national and international.
Subject Leads - Mrs Jo Elliott (KS1) and Mr Simon Meardon (KS2)
Within Early Years our children gather a sense and understanding of Geography through topic work and activities linked to the strand of Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
In Key Stage 1 children are encouraged to further develop their understanding of the world, United Kingdom and their locality. They develop their understanding of basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to physical and human geography and begin to establish and use geographical skills including first hand observation to enhance their locational awareness.
In Key Stage 2 the school Geography programme of study provides a framework within which the children can develop their:
- knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes and environmental changes and sustainable development;
- geographical enquiry and skills
through a study of their local area and contrasting areas in the United Kingdom or overseas.
Within Key Stage 2, studies are also made of water and its effect on landscapes and people, settlements and environmental issues.