Out of School Club
Cullercoats Children’s Club strives to provide high quality care in a welcoming, stimulating, attractive, caring and secure environment for all children, parents, staff and visitors within the club.
Goals of Cullercoats Children's Club...
- The club aims to provide a service to families with children attending the school and who live in the surrounding community area.
- The club aims to provide a child focussed and flexible service that is both affordable and accessible.
- The club aims to provide a stimulating environment for children to learn and develop.
- The childcare provided will be of a high quality to ensure a variety of play opportunities for all young children who attend the club.
- The provision will be made available to all children who attend the school.
As part of the settling in procedure you may wish to come along and visit the club along with your child. This will give both you and your child a chance to meet staff and other children prior to their first session.
Staff Members
Breakfast Club Manager - Mrs Ruth Thompson
After School Club Manager - Mrs Marion Allan
They are helped on a rota by various other members of staff.
Your child will be allocated a Key Worker for EYFS children (nursery and reception age) this will allow the staff to provide activities for each child to reach their potential.
Breakfast/After School Sessions
Session | Day | Cost per child | Meals |
7.30 – 8.50 am | Monday - Friday | £6.00 | Includes breakfast |
8.00 – 8.50 am | Monday - Friday | £5.00 | Includes breakfast |
3.20 – 5.00 pm | Monday to Friday | £7.00 | Includes afternoon snack |
3.20 – 5.30 pm | Monday to Thursday | £9.00 | Includes afternoon snack |
Terms and Conditions
Booking and Paying for Sessions
Booking Sessions
All sessions must be booked and paid for 48 hours in advance through the Schoolgateway (instructions on how to access the Schoolgateway can be found via the 'Parents' tab on the website homepage)
It is essential that all sessions are booked to enable us to ensure the correct staff to pupil ratio. Failing to book your child onto a session can cause issues with staff to children ratios causing both safeguarding and health and safety issues. Unexpected children will incur a £5.00 administration charge, this will be allocated to your Schoolgateway account along with the normal club fee.
Fees will be calculated on a session basis as per the charges above. All charges will be paid in advance directly to the club. Payment can be made via the Schoolgateway. Parents are able to pay via childcare vouchers. We have a number of voucher providers so please ask a member of staff for details.
The full session fee will be charged with less than 48 hours’ notice.
Cullercoats Children's Club does not offer a sibling discount.
You are still required to book and pay for a session for your child even if they arrive late after taking part in an afterschool activity (football club, choir etc.) Normal fees apply.
EARLY ARRIVALS – Breakfast Club
Cullercoats Children’s Club charge by the session and trust that parents book the correct session required for their child. We understand from time to time this may change and you may need to bring your child in earlier. A telephone call prior to arrival would be appreciated to ensure staff to pupil ratios are adhered to. In this instance, the relevant additional charge will be applied to your account.
(e.g. session booked from 8 am – 9 am – arrival prior to 8 am additional charge £1.00)
LATE PICK-UPS – After School Club
Cullercoats Children’s Club will finish at 5.30pm Monday – Thursday and 5pm Friday. All children MUST be collected by this time. If you are unable to collect your child on time, alternative arrangements must be made for someone to collect your child before the club session ends.
We do understand that from time to time circumstances can change and emergency situations happen. A telephone call informing us of the reason why you will be late and the expected time of arrival would be greatly appreciated.
If children are collected after the booked session time. The relevant additional charge will be incurred and applied to your account (e.g. sessions booked from 3.30 pm– 5.00pm – child collected after 5.00 pm additional charge £2.00). If children are collected after the close of business time, you will incur a further charge of £5.00 per child for every 10 minutes late and the failure to pick up procedures will take place.
If a child/children has not been collected by 5.30pm and no contact has been made with the club through parent/carer, then the emergency contact number on the registration form will be contacted. If, after 30 minutes the child is still not collected, First Call (Social Services) will be contacted on 0191 643 7979 or Front Door Services on 0345 2000109.
Snacks and What to Bring
Children will be provided with a nutritious, healthy snack which meets their needs dependent upon religion and culture as well as any special dietary requirements. Milk and water will be available during snack times. Fresh drinking water will be available at all times.
During breakfast times there will be a choice of cereal with fresh milk, toast or fruit available. After school children will be provided with a light snack e.g. wraps, sandwiches, salads, dips etc. along with fresh fruit. Staff will discuss this with parents to ensure accurate details are recorded.
What to Bring
Extra toys should not be necessary as the club is equipped to occupy the children. We do encourage parents not to allow children to bring in electronic games consoles etc. along with mobile phones as the club cannot guarantee the safety of these items.
During term time the children will be in school uniform.
Further Information
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
‘Cullercoats Children’s Club’ will ensure the activities we provide will be suitable for individual children needs. Staff will regularly observe and assess children (foundation stage children) and keep written records to ensure that we can help your child move onto the next stage of their development. Staff will also share this information with other relevant professionals (OFSTED Inspectors, class teacher etc.)
We will take all reasonable steps to offer an inclusive club and promote practice equal opportunities within the club. With regard to race, religion, colour, sex, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation. All books, jigsaws, stories and pictures will be selected to show people of all races and cultures and will avoid racial or sexist stereotyping. All family compositions will be considered and respected. All lifestyles will be depicted in a positive way and any discriminatory practice will be changed.
Special needs
We are aware that some children have special educational needs and/or physical disabilities that require support and assistance. We are committed to taking appropriate action to make sure that all children are able to access our service and are made to feel welcome and that our activities promote their welfare and development. Whenever possible, children with special needs will have access to the same facilities, activities and play opportunities as their peers.
Safeguarding Children
At ‘Cullercoats Children’s Club’ we believe each and every child should feel safe and secure from the fear of abuse. All staff are committed to protecting children in our care from harm. The club complies with the legislation set own by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). Or Safeguarding policy can be found on the school website.
Behaviour Policy
At ‘Cullercoats Children’s Club’ we recognise the importance of positive and effective behaviour management strategies in promoting the children’s welfare, learning and enjoyment. In order to have consistency with the school policy, ‘
Uncollected Children
We have the highest regard for the safety of the children in our care from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave. At the end of each session we will ensure that all children have been collected by their parent/carer or designated adult in accordance with the arrivals and departure procedures. There is a procedure in place for dealing with uncollected children whereby measures are taken to contact the parent, carer, designated adult and emergency contacts. In extreme circumstances where none of the listed contacts are available, social services will be informed. Children are never left with less than two members of staff at any time.
Missing Children
Staff are always extremely aware of the potential for children to go missing during sessions. Regular head counts are taken at times of greatest risks e.g. transition between sessions. There is a procedure in place to deal with missing children including searches and in extreme circumstances where a child cannot be located calling the police.
Parent Partnership
Cullercoats Children’s Club recognises that parents/carers have a critical role to play in the child’s development. This is seen as the basis for a partnership between the club and parents/carers. The staff are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to provide high quality surroundings to ensure that children learn through play.
First Aid
At least two members of staff will hold a current first aid certificate that includes training on first aid for infants and children. The club manager must ensure that all volunteers, supply staff etc. know who holds a qualification in first aid. The first aid box will comply with the Health and Safety (first aid) Regulations 1982. A travelling first aid kit will be taken for outings by staff and will be subject to the same checking procedures as the main first aid kit. All issues regarding the first aid administration are governed by the full policy on health and sub-sectioned first aid.
Medication will only be administrated if prescribed by the child’s doctor clearly stating the child’s name, date of birth, name of medication and dosage to be given. Written consent and medication detail MUST be provided beforehand by the parent/carer on the appropriate medication forms. Medication not prescribed by the child’s doctor will not be given. Written records will be kept of all medication administered.
Children who are ill or have an infectious disease should not attend the club. In the event of infectious disease please inform the club as soon as possible and a member of staff will be able to advise you of the exclusion period set down by environmental health.
Sun Safety
Whenever possible weather permitting the children will be encouraged to play in the outdoors. As you will appreciate some children may be allergic to certain products so ‘Cullercoats Children’s Club’ will not provide sun screen for children attending the club. All parents/carers are encouraged to bring in sun screen and sun hat for their children.
Fire Procedure
When needed the local Fire Service will provide advice and guidance on issues within the club. The club ensures any recommendations are implemented. Firefighting equipment must be installed in line with the fire officer’s recommendations. There is a fire blanket in the kitchen area and a fire extinguisher in the entrance lobby. All fire extinguishers are checked annually by the school. We carry out regular fire drill with the children which are recorded.
The majority of complaints can be sorted out at an early stage within the club. Complaints should be addressed in the first instance to the School Business Manager (Alison Kemp).
Contact Details
0191 643 3213